Media Appearances

A large part of being a guide is sharing knowledge—and our guides have lots of it. From podcast and television appearances to emceeing weekend-long outdoor industry expos, we’re always honored to be invited to speak.

Explore New
England TV

In the beautifully-shot Greening of the Whites, Dave Fatula guides the Explore New England TV crew on a May hike up to Arethusa Falls, melting snowpack and spring rains providing plenty of water for the raging falls.

Alongside trout fishing and fiddlehead foraging, it’s a wonderful reminder of how spring always just kind of appears overnight in the White Mountains—and you don’t want to miss it. 

Hike Strong Podcast

Check out Dave Fatula on Hike Strong Podcast episode #3. Run by Marcus Shapiro of FitForTrips, Dave and Marcus discuss the timeless east coast vs. west coast hiking rivalry.

Dave makes a convincing case for the White Mountain National Forest—despite its smaller stature and peaks—as a wild and beautiful playground for adventuring, filled with challenging trails and year-round fun. 

Boston Outdoor Expo

Guineafowl’s founder and owner, Dave Fatula, emceed the weekend-long Boston Outdoor Expo in April, 2024. 

Dave helped welcome thousands of guests, two dozen speakers, and more than 30 brands to the Boston Expo Center, leading discussions with such visionary leaders in the outdoor industry as Scott Jurek, Mirna Valerio, Sir Randolph Fiennes, Lea Davison, and Kimber Cross.

Dave also facilitated interactive discussions on Leave No Trace and hiker preparedness. 

NGN Magazine Profiles Dave

NGN Magazine is a publication by Northeastern Global News and features a fantastic overview of Guineafowl Adventure Company’s oprigin story. Trigger alert: there are at least several mentions of office work and sitting at a desk in this article.

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, logos, or other branding assets, please contact us at